
    Why this name?

    I experience a lot, know my way. My dream is to produce a wine from untreated grapes, even without biological pesticides. I'm working patiently. Part of the vineyard I have reserved for testing.

    Rhythm is power: as the sun purports the annual rhythm, as well my vines get teas and biodynamic preparations in regular intervals. If I have the feeling that the vines need additional support, I will strengthen them even with homeopathic treatments.
    It is my intention to develop my feeling for nature. This works best if I border all the treatments through the vineyards, spreading with the knapsack sprayer.

    spreading biodynamic preparations
    spreading biodynamic preparations

    For 25 years, my attempts have been running, as a mountain guide I have a long
    breath. First, I took care of the ground vegetation.
    At a time when few did, I let it flourish between the rows of vines. Colorful mixed sown cover crop bloomers have helped.

    After a few summers it has settled to normal growth, as usual on a healthy lawn and harmonized soil. It blooms and grows, and in between is a whole universe of insects feels comfortable.

    I am being consistent and do much by hand, have only a few machines.
    This is only possible if you can help as a family together.

    Wine from Tröpfltalhof is still a insider tip, it does not exist on every corner.
    But from the winery you can buy wine at almost any time.

    Vines with sowing
    biodinamic winegarden with sowing
    Herzlich Willkommen am Tröpfltalhof.